A couple of months ago, J and I went to her High School friend's wedding at a remodeled vintage auto garage that is now a 'Green Venue'.
A photo of the Marvimon Venue
via Prairie Mod
I was surfing the web and I stumbled across this blog called snippet & ink and saw a post of a 'real wedding' that took place in San Luis Obispo. You can see all the photos from the event:
Brooke & Raf's Wedding
Their wedding was very simple shabby chic at their house, and the bride, the groom, and their families all participated in preparing for the wedding by making their own invitations, dessert (she had her friends bake all sorts of cupcakes), gifts for the guests (cold processed soaps and a mix cd), and bought local flowers for the arrangements.
Weddings don't have to be outrageously extravagant and expensive. Brooke & Raf's wedding captures the most important thing about weddings, having families and friends come together and participate in the union of two persons. I feel like with all the wedding reality shows like Bridezilla and all the celebrity weddings we've been seeing, the essence of marriage and its celebration has been lost in translation.
I hope when I get married I have a ceremony similar to theirs ;)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Soap Packaging
As we are busy working on launching our e-commerce website, we are also designing a line of organic natural soaps for every body. We're right now researching packaging and I discovered this blog called www.lovelypackage.com
I've always forgotten how much I enjoy perusing down the aisles of drugstores, beauty supply stores, department stores, etc... happily decorated aisles full of products all promising a happier life. I always underestimated the power of packaging, the color combination or the design of the packaging can emulate a certain lifestyle and completely alter what the actual product is.
But it's been challenging looking for a packaging because there are so many beautiful options. But because we are going back to the basics with our soap line, it makes sense for the packaging to be simple yet elegant.
Here are my favorites:

Boots Original Packaging

Detaille Paris

Perricone MD (it would be interesting to have all the ingredients on the package like an olive tree/branch/or a couple of olives and the package)

You Smell... the name just makes me gigggle... I like the old vintage style labels on this product.
What do you guys think? Any recommendations for looks, scents, or textures?
I've always forgotten how much I enjoy perusing down the aisles of drugstores, beauty supply stores, department stores, etc... happily decorated aisles full of products all promising a happier life. I always underestimated the power of packaging, the color combination or the design of the packaging can emulate a certain lifestyle and completely alter what the actual product is.
But it's been challenging looking for a packaging because there are so many beautiful options. But because we are going back to the basics with our soap line, it makes sense for the packaging to be simple yet elegant.
Here are my favorites:
Boots Original Packaging
Detaille Paris
Perricone MD (it would be interesting to have all the ingredients on the package like an olive tree/branch/or a couple of olives and the package)
You Smell... the name just makes me gigggle... I like the old vintage style labels on this product.
What do you guys think? Any recommendations for looks, scents, or textures?
Sorry for the lack of posts lately! I've been busy setting up the Finley Gold E-Commerce store with J.
Although it's not functional yet... you can still check us out.
I'll be doing some posts about my lingerie store visits in LA very soon.
Although it's not functional yet... you can still check us out.
I'll be doing some posts about my lingerie store visits in LA very soon.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Back from Coachella!
This year, the good people at Coachella decided that you can only purchase a 3 day pass instead of buying a ticket per day. I thought I could handle being out in the desert for 3 days from 11AM to 3AM in the morning... but that sure takes a toll on my body. Unlike last year the weather was a lot cooler (thank the gods) and I mentally prepared myself for three days of chaos.
But before heading out to Indio, my girlfriend and I went shopping to find some appropriate clothes for the weather. Something that would work in both 60 degree and 90+ degree weather, easily accessible to port-a-potty (aka no playsuits/jump suits/or long maxi dresses), dance appropriate (wouldn't want the girls to fly out mid jump), and something cute so one could bring all the boys to the Coachella yard... (and believe me there were many a boys)!
So we just got a couple of summer dresses from H&M and Forever 21... because we felt like they would get disgusting after 16 hours of sweating from the sun and serious dance partying. Our outfits worked out great because I paired all my summer dresses with a scarf that could easily turn into a shawl once the sun set and the freezing desert temperature set in. Also, there were so many people that body heat helped with the coldness.
Here are the trends/themes of what girls were wearing this year to Coachella:
Crop tops, cut offs, summer dresses, bikinis (only), bikini tops paired with cut offs, body paint, and tunics. The outfits were a lot more conservative this year compared to last year... Although most girls were still scantilly cladded... there was way more exposed girls last year...
I'll be posting pics once I find my connector thingy...
But before heading out to Indio, my girlfriend and I went shopping to find some appropriate clothes for the weather. Something that would work in both 60 degree and 90+ degree weather, easily accessible to port-a-potty (aka no playsuits/jump suits/or long maxi dresses), dance appropriate (wouldn't want the girls to fly out mid jump), and something cute so one could bring all the boys to the Coachella yard... (and believe me there were many a boys)!
So we just got a couple of summer dresses from H&M and Forever 21... because we felt like they would get disgusting after 16 hours of sweating from the sun and serious dance partying. Our outfits worked out great because I paired all my summer dresses with a scarf that could easily turn into a shawl once the sun set and the freezing desert temperature set in. Also, there were so many people that body heat helped with the coldness.
Here are the trends/themes of what girls were wearing this year to Coachella:
Crop tops, cut offs, summer dresses, bikinis (only), bikini tops paired with cut offs, body paint, and tunics. The outfits were a lot more conservative this year compared to last year... Although most girls were still scantilly cladded... there was way more exposed girls last year...
I'll be posting pics once I find my connector thingy...
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Coachella 2010
Hey All,
I'm leaving for Coachella this weekend. For those of you who don't tknow what this is you can check out the website here. It's a 3 day desert festival out in Indio. I can't wait to go. I went last year with my girlfriends from school, and this year we're making it a tradition. I'll be there all three days so if you happen to be at Coachella holla at your girl:
Imogen Heap, LCD Soundsystem, Jay Z, Passion Pit, Vampire Weekend
MGMT, Muse, Sia, Tiesto, Tokyo Police Club, David Guetta, Kaskade, Hot Chip
Florence & The Machine, Little Boots, Phoenix, Spoon, Thomas Yorke, Talvin Singh, Yann Tiersen
ahhhhhhhhhh and I'm super duper excited about Imogen Heap because I've always wanted to see her in concert... and something always happens, she's sick or I'm sick that we just miss one another... and if we do miss one another this year... I think I might have to throw lye at someone (jk... or am i?).
I'm leaving for Coachella this weekend. For those of you who don't tknow what this is you can check out the website here. It's a 3 day desert festival out in Indio. I can't wait to go. I went last year with my girlfriends from school, and this year we're making it a tradition. I'll be there all three days so if you happen to be at Coachella holla at your girl:
Imogen Heap, LCD Soundsystem, Jay Z, Passion Pit, Vampire Weekend
MGMT, Muse, Sia, Tiesto, Tokyo Police Club, David Guetta, Kaskade, Hot Chip
Florence & The Machine, Little Boots, Phoenix, Spoon, Thomas Yorke, Talvin Singh, Yann Tiersen
ahhhhhhhhhh and I'm super duper excited about Imogen Heap because I've always wanted to see her in concert... and something always happens, she's sick or I'm sick that we just miss one another... and if we do miss one another this year... I think I might have to throw lye at someone (jk... or am i?).
separated at birth?
Ocho-Cinco Strikes again!
Just when I thought Chad Ocho Cinco aka the "Black Mexican" was fading from my life... he comes back in full force. Since I've left NYC the only "Dancing with the Stars" contact I've had was when I saw Pam Anderson on Jimmy Kimmel Live... but no... My little cousin has a crushy crush on our bebe Ocho Cinco... and it doesn't stop at Girl You Trippin'... the new phrase for me and the girls at Finley GOld is : "Child Please" .
"Child Please is a nice way of tellin' someone f*ck you."
Here's another -ism from our Ocho Cinco:
Kiss the baby: when the fat lady sings
and on the youtube clip i've attached you can see Chaddy Chad shopping at Claires to buy some diamond studs... he's so thrifty!... and he sure loves a deal!
"Just cuz you got money don't mean you gotta spend it!"
The video is just pretty amazing because he pretty much covers all the issues of life... and you can probably find the meaning of life in this video... so watch!
Also our Ocho Cinco is an entrepreneur... you can buy his "Girl you trippin" shirt
...this is for you YJ!!!
and just in case you wanted to stalk him... here's his twitter.
Soapy Soap part deux
I'm thinking about what kind of soaps I can demo for you guys and what kind of soap molds I can use for future soaps. Whoever suggests a really fun idea can win free soap! Cuz I know everyone wants some organic soap.
Here are some creepy soaps:
Baby doll hands reaching for the water!!!
I kind of like this one... but since i'll be rubbing his tummy... he'll get skinny in no time!
Something to wake you up in the morning... Bacon scented soap.
And the best for last... the D-20 dice for all those d&g geeks out there :)
Visiting the Farm... Emu-culate Conception
I went to visit my friend Maddy on her farm yesterday in Palmdale,CA. She raises an Emu named Dory, a male duck named Daisy, 2 cats named Koco and Mo, a ton of silky chickens, and an assortment of aquatic creatures.
I stupidly forgot to take my allergy medication... so lo and behold I started sneezing and crying even before I got near the farm. I got to see where my goaty goat would live... but i'm having second thoughts of buying a goat and thinking about just finding a local farm and purchasing fresh milk from them... (I can see the tears in my sisters eyes right now)... Goaty goat named **** will always be in our hearts.
But I think the bee hive is still gonna happen... just not in the near future.
I'll post pictures in a few but I'm working on a business plan today...
p.s. just re-watched the Wedding Singer with Whit... and I forced her to watch E!'s new Pretty Wild and I think we're addicted to the craziness/trashiness of the family.
but I love google because when I typed up "Pretty Wild"... this is the image that first popped up:I don't know who they are... but they sure look fun!
I stupidly forgot to take my allergy medication... so lo and behold I started sneezing and crying even before I got near the farm. I got to see where my goaty goat would live... but i'm having second thoughts of buying a goat and thinking about just finding a local farm and purchasing fresh milk from them... (I can see the tears in my sisters eyes right now)... Goaty goat named **** will always be in our hearts.
But I think the bee hive is still gonna happen... just not in the near future.
I'll post pictures in a few but I'm working on a business plan today...
p.s. just re-watched the Wedding Singer with Whit... and I forced her to watch E!'s new Pretty Wild and I think we're addicted to the craziness/trashiness of the family.
but I love google because when I typed up "Pretty Wild"... this is the image that first popped up:
Monday, April 12, 2010
Taping of Jimmy Kimmel Live!
So the camera does add a gajillion pounds. Jimmy Kimmel is really skinny in person, and is actually kind of hot. I was surprised how normal looking he was in person and how different the camera made him look. He's good looking and well not skinny like Kate Moss, but thinner than your average joe.
My friend Cheryl and I went to a taping of "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" today because the love of our lives, Nathan Fillion was a guest star. Usually for these tapings they usually have another guest and maybe a music guest... but i had no clue and didn't care who they were because Fillion was going to be there!
Just in case you guys don't know who he is or what he looks like... here ya go:
He was in a bunch of tv shows and movies. My fave shows are Serenity and Castle, and my fave movies are Slither and Waitress.
And he usually plays a heroic rebel who never abides by the rules, but always does stuff for the greater good... It seems his character/personality is pretty similar to the roles he plays. He's also a big cutie and I'm even more in love with him than before. wah.
But there were other guests on the show that were a big surprise and made me very excited. The other actor guest was Pam Anderson. She was promoting "Dancing with the Stars" and came to the show. She's really tiny and doesn't have the the oompa loompa orange tan in reality. The cameras just make her skin tone look fake-bakey and in person she looks a golden tan. But I have to say she just radiates/oozes sexuality because I could even feel all the sexuality sitting 15 feet away from her... I was drunk on her love.
I've been watching "Dancing with the Stars" with my sisters while I was in NY (most likely will not in LA)... and I'm a big fan of Ms. Anderson. She's a very emotional dancer and I think she'll do really well on the show.
The final act was "Crooked Vultures" a "power trio' featuring Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters),
Josh Homme and legendary Led Zeppelin bassist John Paul Jones. Cheryl and I were standing outside freezing our tushies off... and wasn't impressed by this 'power trio'. It was also funny to see sci-fi geeks there to see Nathan Fillion stand out in the cold staring blankly at the stage while this hard core rock was playing.
I thought there songs could've been better, because I love Dave Grohl's music, but found the two songs they played very repetitive and not inspiring...
My friend Cheryl and I went to a taping of "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" today because the love of our lives, Nathan Fillion was a guest star. Usually for these tapings they usually have another guest and maybe a music guest... but i had no clue and didn't care who they were because Fillion was going to be there!
Just in case you guys don't know who he is or what he looks like... here ya go:
He was in a bunch of tv shows and movies. My fave shows are Serenity and Castle, and my fave movies are Slither and Waitress.
And he usually plays a heroic rebel who never abides by the rules, but always does stuff for the greater good... It seems his character/personality is pretty similar to the roles he plays. He's also a big cutie and I'm even more in love with him than before. wah.
But there were other guests on the show that were a big surprise and made me very excited. The other actor guest was Pam Anderson. She was promoting "Dancing with the Stars" and came to the show. She's really tiny and doesn't have the the oompa loompa orange tan in reality. The cameras just make her skin tone look fake-bakey and in person she looks a golden tan. But I have to say she just radiates/oozes sexuality because I could even feel all the sexuality sitting 15 feet away from her... I was drunk on her love.
I've been watching "Dancing with the Stars" with my sisters while I was in NY (most likely will not in LA)... and I'm a big fan of Ms. Anderson. She's a very emotional dancer and I think she'll do really well on the show.
The final act was "Crooked Vultures" a "power trio' featuring Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters),
Josh Homme and legendary Led Zeppelin bassist John Paul Jones. Cheryl and I were standing outside freezing our tushies off... and wasn't impressed by this 'power trio'. It was also funny to see sci-fi geeks there to see Nathan Fillion stand out in the cold staring blankly at the stage while this hard core rock was playing.
I thought there songs could've been better, because I love Dave Grohl's music, but found the two songs they played very repetitive and not inspiring...
Bienvenidos a Los Angeles! and fly away from crazy cabbies
My sister and I just got back to LA after spending our Spring Breaks in NYC. It was odd because we came to 60 degree weather, and it's colder here than in NYC.
I'll post some more pictures of my last days in a later pst... but I can tell you that a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge was involved.
Two days before I was supposed to leave for LA, I sprained or did something to my left ankle/foot because after a day of walking around my foot started hurting and when I got home my whole foot/ankle was swollen. It looked even more like a bear paw (and my cousin was a bit horrified... she was like omg even your toes are swollen). So I bought a tube of Arnica cream (I originally thought it was used for bruises but it works really well on sprains and swelling). And the swelling came down a bit.
Unfortunately I had all these plans on meeting friends and having dinner, but had to cancel because of my foot... and being handicapped in a pedestrian city sucks.
So stayed home and rested while watching episodes of random reality tv, Kendra, CSI NY, and Dogs 101. These of course are show that I never watch but somehow get addicted to every time I go visit my sisters.
I pretty much just stayed at the apartment before leaving NYC. But I had to go pick up my sister from a hotel last night and had a horrible incident with a cab driver. There was a queue of taxis outside the hotel, so naturally my sister and I got into the first taxi at the head of the line. While getting into the taxi I told him the direction we were headed towards and two blocks down the line he asked where we're going. I told him the directions on how to get to the apartment, 5 times and he still didn't understand!!!
I asked him to pull over to the side a couple of times and he refused saying that he knew where he was going and then asked again where we were going. So I finally started yelling at him to pull over saying that we're getting out. He refused to let us out before paying the 5 dollars to go down four blocks. I was screaming "You don't know where you're going so pull over and let us out!"
Because we were in a van taxi, this one didn't have manual door locks and my sister and I were both stuck in the van. The taxi driver refused to let us out of the van unless we paid... so while all this chaos is going on Iscenes from the movie "The Bone Collector" runs through my head. I feared for both my life and my sister's and was freaking out while yelling at the cab driver.
I lived in NYC for four years and never had an incident like this ever happen to me. I was so shocked and paralyzed by what was going on that I didn't even get his badge number or name:(.
But going back to the Bone Collector, that movie was about a taxi driver that was a serial killer that found his future victims simply by picking them up (almost me and my little sister.. jk.. but seriously)... almost like the HW Jamba Juice story (but that's another post in itself). And in the end it's Angelina and Denzel that catch the serial killer cab driver and save the day. I wouldn't mind having Angelina and Denzel saving my life... but yeah.
I have no clue how someone that is seriously deaf and cannot understand or speak English could be a cab driver in a city full of tourists (not to discriminate against anyone). Thank god the next cab we got into was legit and decent. That taxi driver wanted to talk and have a conversation, but I was too shaken up to talk.
Next morning after sleeping at 4AM woke up at 7AM and went to the airport and passed out! And arrived to freezing LA, where they were shooting a reality tv show at the baggage claim and getting in everyone's way.
But other than foot and crazy cabbie. I had a wonderful time in NYC eating yummy food and meeting up with friends. I had never been to Central Park this many times in one visit and look forward to another NYC adventure soon.
I'll post some more pictures of my last days in a later pst... but I can tell you that a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge was involved.
Two days before I was supposed to leave for LA, I sprained or did something to my left ankle/foot because after a day of walking around my foot started hurting and when I got home my whole foot/ankle was swollen. It looked even more like a bear paw (and my cousin was a bit horrified... she was like omg even your toes are swollen). So I bought a tube of Arnica cream (I originally thought it was used for bruises but it works really well on sprains and swelling). And the swelling came down a bit.
Unfortunately I had all these plans on meeting friends and having dinner, but had to cancel because of my foot... and being handicapped in a pedestrian city sucks.
So stayed home and rested while watching episodes of random reality tv, Kendra, CSI NY, and Dogs 101. These of course are show that I never watch but somehow get addicted to every time I go visit my sisters.
I pretty much just stayed at the apartment before leaving NYC. But I had to go pick up my sister from a hotel last night and had a horrible incident with a cab driver. There was a queue of taxis outside the hotel, so naturally my sister and I got into the first taxi at the head of the line. While getting into the taxi I told him the direction we were headed towards and two blocks down the line he asked where we're going. I told him the directions on how to get to the apartment, 5 times and he still didn't understand!!!
I asked him to pull over to the side a couple of times and he refused saying that he knew where he was going and then asked again where we were going. So I finally started yelling at him to pull over saying that we're getting out. He refused to let us out before paying the 5 dollars to go down four blocks. I was screaming "You don't know where you're going so pull over and let us out!"
Because we were in a van taxi, this one didn't have manual door locks and my sister and I were both stuck in the van. The taxi driver refused to let us out of the van unless we paid... so while all this chaos is going on Iscenes from the movie "The Bone Collector" runs through my head. I feared for both my life and my sister's and was freaking out while yelling at the cab driver.
I lived in NYC for four years and never had an incident like this ever happen to me. I was so shocked and paralyzed by what was going on that I didn't even get his badge number or name:(.
But going back to the Bone Collector, that movie was about a taxi driver that was a serial killer that found his future victims simply by picking them up (almost me and my little sister.. jk.. but seriously)... almost like the HW Jamba Juice story (but that's another post in itself). And in the end it's Angelina and Denzel that catch the serial killer cab driver and save the day. I wouldn't mind having Angelina and Denzel saving my life... but yeah.
I have no clue how someone that is seriously deaf and cannot understand or speak English could be a cab driver in a city full of tourists (not to discriminate against anyone). Thank god the next cab we got into was legit and decent. That taxi driver wanted to talk and have a conversation, but I was too shaken up to talk.
Next morning after sleeping at 4AM woke up at 7AM and went to the airport and passed out! And arrived to freezing LA, where they were shooting a reality tv show at the baggage claim and getting in everyone's way.
But other than foot and crazy cabbie. I had a wonderful time in NYC eating yummy food and meeting up with friends. I had never been to Central Park this many times in one visit and look forward to another NYC adventure soon.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
My poor neglected soapy soap
My poor sister has been curing and making soaps all by herself. I've been neglecting our soap-venture for a little bit because i've been distracted by my laziness. But I have pictures to post, and when I return to LA I'll have a step by step process on how to make soapy soap.
These are the olive oil castile soaps curing (the real color of the soaps will be the creamy color on the outside... curing is when all the water of the soap evaporate. On the bottom are the flowers I bought my sister on her birthday earlier that week. We wanted to dry them and use them in our soaps sometime in the future. How lovely would rose goat milk soap be?
These are the olive oil castile soaps curing (the real color of the soaps will be the creamy color on the outside... curing is when all the water of the soap evaporate. On the bottom are the flowers I bought my sister on her birthday earlier that week. We wanted to dry them and use them in our soaps sometime in the future. How lovely would rose goat milk soap be?
When food is cutie
My friend Jen who writes for the blog A Beautyful Sentiment posted the cutest blog post about her little tangerine named Martha (in case you were wondering yes 'twas inspired by Martha Stewart).
I think if you put a face on any kind of fruit or vegetable I'll be a happy person. Since I'm a pescatarian ( I only eat fish and vegetables)... I love animals (you can probably tell because I'm probably going to get a goat some time later this month), so I don't like eating food that already have faces.
My sisters and I love looking up blogs where people come up with crazy ideas for food.
... and sometimes I wished when I was a kid that my mom would pack me lunches that look like this:
I'd be so excited to open my lunch bag every lunch time...
And even though Kirby and Yoshi don't really hang out (except in super smash bros)... this bento is pretty amazing! On the plus side I'd be the coolest kid in school and everyone would want to trade their delicious snack packs for a bite of this amazingness.
And on the same website with this bento was this a Kirby cake. I love Kirby... but this cake makes me really sad :'(.
How could they do something like this so cute?!? But the tear drops are cute... I'll give them that.
However I found the cutest bento for me... Is it wrong that I want to live in there with all my bento-animal friends?
What more can a girl ask for? Domo Kun's already hanging out, some Hamtaro characters... and everyone just looks so happy... (but then again I'd feel really bad eating such cuties).
I'm going to go to Clinton Street Bakery for breakfast... and I'll think about eating my bento friends while eating deliciousness at the Diabetes Paradise. Pancakes with maple butter brown sugar pecan syrup anyone?
I think if you put a face on any kind of fruit or vegetable I'll be a happy person. Since I'm a pescatarian ( I only eat fish and vegetables)... I love animals (you can probably tell because I'm probably going to get a goat some time later this month), so I don't like eating food that already have faces.
My sisters and I love looking up blogs where people come up with crazy ideas for food.
... and sometimes I wished when I was a kid that my mom would pack me lunches that look like this:
I'd be so excited to open my lunch bag every lunch time...
And even though Kirby and Yoshi don't really hang out (except in super smash bros)... this bento is pretty amazing! On the plus side I'd be the coolest kid in school and everyone would want to trade their delicious snack packs for a bite of this amazingness.
And on the same website with this bento was this a Kirby cake. I love Kirby... but this cake makes me really sad :'(.
How could they do something like this so cute?!? But the tear drops are cute... I'll give them that.
However I found the cutest bento for me... Is it wrong that I want to live in there with all my bento-animal friends?
What more can a girl ask for? Domo Kun's already hanging out, some Hamtaro characters... and everyone just looks so happy... (but then again I'd feel really bad eating such cuties).
I'm going to go to Clinton Street Bakery for breakfast... and I'll think about eating my bento friends while eating deliciousness at the Diabetes Paradise. Pancakes with maple butter brown sugar pecan syrup anyone?
Republic of Tigers
I know Coachella is coming up and I should be listening to Coachella playlists... but my ITunes Genius found this song hidden in my library and I'm obsessed. The song is called Building of Mountains by The Republic of Tigers. I've been listening to it while driving to pilates or just walking around the city and the song just makes me smile every time. Enjoy!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Why wear underwear?
While on the search for the Shibue Couture strapless thong my friend David sent me an email of possible links that could be what I was looking for and he sent me a blog of epic lingerie failures. And my favorite has to be backless lingerie.
it's a thong that wraps underneath your buttocks... and you adjust it so it fits snuggly. The best part I think are the names of the colors the backless lingerie comes in "White Purity and Blue Heaven"... hmmm...
I think I'll just go commando or buy jeans where I don't have a plumber butt.
it's a thong that wraps underneath your buttocks... and you adjust it so it fits snuggly. The best part I think are the names of the colors the backless lingerie comes in "White Purity and Blue Heaven"... hmmm...
I think I'll just go commando or buy jeans where I don't have a plumber butt.
I love Google search
So I've recently received an email about this strapless thong made with medical grade adhesive... which reminded me of the c-string. I couldn't find it in my email archives so I google searched it and this is what came up:
First Result:

First Result:
I don't even know where to begin with this... If you're looking for unique tan lines this is the way to go. But make sure you wax or shave everything off in your nether region because this Hood Thong is very unforgiving... However if you have a geeky significant other... you can have an adventurous Aeon Flux costume party.
Second Result:
An aqua thong... basically an inflatable thong with a flag of Australia... I don't even think this is would be comfortable to lounge in but it's a huge inflatable thong.
And finally I found what I was looking for!!!
The Official Shibue Couture Strapless Thong
Unlike the C-String this Shibue Couture Strapless thong uses medical grade silicone adhesive that adheres and stays in place by a strip of the silicone on the front and back.
"Because the Shibue Strapless Panty® does not have any tight strings or thick bands around the waist it is comfortable and easy to wear. The Shibue Strapless Panty® is perfect for removing panty lines as well as adding a little spice and excitement to any outfit."
I'm not sure if peeling off one's panties is considered a sexy or spicy... but to each his/her own. You can use this stick on thong panty liner up to 30 times... but you can't throw it in the washing machine, so don't! Hand wash it and lay it flat to dry and place on protective sheet once dry. They retail for $18.00 and carry it in different colors with matching nipple pasties.
I also googled strapless thong video and this is what came up... it's kind of disgusting so I just put a link instead to: male radio host trying on the strapless thong and i was a bit traumatized (as were my sister and cousin).
But speaking of fun videos... if you go onto the Shibue Couture website, the owner/creator of the strapless adhesive thong has a video on the bottom right corner where she explains where the concept came from and does a demonstration using her own arm... if you're bored at work this is a fun random distraction.
Sparkles continued... My life is complete now...
The weather's been so lovely and the outfits are getting shorter, sexier, and more scandalous... Do you feel something is missing in your life? Do you need more sparkle in your life? Well you're in luck...
For five days on Life Booker NYC you can vajazzle your life. What is vajazzling you say? It's exactly what it sounds like, vagina bejeweling or cooch blingin'. It's a step ahead of those pre-designed Swarovski crystal designs of hearts, stars, and skulls. Now you can make your lady bits look like a disco ball or any design your heart desires.
If you're into vajazzy decorating, it's advised to wax a day before. I've seen girls get their boyfriend's name Swarovskied on their lady bits... but i think going one day to get waxed and then go in the next day to get jeweled is too much vazzy fun for me. I'm already uncomfortable when I have to get undressed to get waxed... but to have someone place each individual crystal must take forever...
I'll try anything once... so I can see my self getting a cute heart, the Deathstar, or the name of my cooch if I ever give it one... for a special occasion... but no disco balls for me.
p.s. I love all the different names people come up with for a vagina. Case in point: Vazzie, Lady Bits, Girl Junk, Precious Lady, Coochie... or what my sisters and I call Gamsie (because it's whimsical, and in Korean it's Jahm Jie).
For five days on Life Booker NYC you can vajazzle your life. What is vajazzling you say? It's exactly what it sounds like, vagina bejeweling or cooch blingin'. It's a step ahead of those pre-designed Swarovski crystal designs of hearts, stars, and skulls. Now you can make your lady bits look like a disco ball or any design your heart desires.
If you're into vajazzy decorating, it's advised to wax a day before. I've seen girls get their boyfriend's name Swarovskied on their lady bits... but i think going one day to get waxed and then go in the next day to get jeweled is too much vazzy fun for me. I'm already uncomfortable when I have to get undressed to get waxed... but to have someone place each individual crystal must take forever...
I'll try anything once... so I can see my self getting a cute heart, the Deathstar, or the name of my cooch if I ever give it one... for a special occasion... but no disco balls for me.
p.s. I love all the different names people come up with for a vagina. Case in point: Vazzie, Lady Bits, Girl Junk, Precious Lady, Coochie... or what my sisters and I call Gamsie (because it's whimsical, and in Korean it's Jahm Jie).
Thursday, April 8, 2010
If you're into tacky/gaudy/uncomfortably fabulous sparkles... These are for you
Introducing Designer Dish Gloves
Not only do these gloves have crazy striped sleeve things and a huge bow... but a wedding ring? Does one have to be a married man or woman to sport these crazy gloves? I actually know a few people that would enjoy such a fun pair of dish gloves... but I don't think I can pay for 34 dollars for a pair. I'll keep to my .99 cent yellow gloves... I even made them sparkle by writing fun sayings with sharpie (it's the old poor college kid in me). I guess my next project would have to be Swarovski crystalizing and blinging out my next pair of gloves.
But then again.. you do get to wash your dishes with an 8kt diamond ring on your gloved finger.
You can purchase these gloves at Spoon Sisters
The inspiration to "Girl you trippin'"
You want me to take you shopping?
Girl you trippin'!
You want me to take out the trash?
Girl you trippin'!
We <3 the Ocho Cinco from Dancing with stars and his infinite wardrobe of "Girl you trippin'" low v-neck shirts he wears to rehearsals.
Girl on the Subway
Zombieland Rule #32: Enjoy the little things.

Big balloons on the subway make me smile.
Romance in Central Park
The sisters and I went to Central Park to enjoy the lovely 80 degree weather. After having a lovely picnic and experiencing Shake Shack for the first time in my life (it's pathetic because I used to live near Madison Square Park for a year, but refused to wait in the long lines). It's no In N' Out Burger but their shakes are delish!!!
(image taken from Ruby Press rubypr.com)
I ordered the Shroom Burger (the vegetarian burger) with a side of cheese fries and a malted Black & White Shake. The burger was alright and the cheese used on the cheese fries tasted like Velveeta (cheese in a can taste) but the shake was pure heaven!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Brooklyn Botanical Garden
Although we're a month early we had hoped that with such warm weather the whole cherry blossom field would be in full bloom, but i think in two weeks the flowers will have bloomed.
Kronkins, my baby sister, loved the (budding) cherry blossoms and J, second oldest, loved magnolias. I've always been enchanted by the koi pond in the Japanese Garden.
I liked the fact that these apple blossoms looked like floral tentacles... or furry poodle legs.
brooklyn botanical garden,
cherry blossoms,
The C-String

A close up of the C-String
My friend told me about this invention and made a lovely clicking noise to describe how it stays put... but I'm highly skeptical. Call me old fashioned but I'm always hesitant about stickers on my body. I hated Ortho-Evra (aka sticker birth control) and those nipple petals (they did absolutely nothing for me) they always seem to leave a gross film on my skin.
Any how on the website they say it can be used as lingerie and swimwear... don't think I'd ever be able to wear or get away with wearing just this C-String out and about in public. But it's for great use for tanning... I don't tan either so if you're a tanner go for it...
Feel Young Again
I love products that are "Seen on TV"! My sisters and I were watching TV and saw this commercial for Bra Lifts, basically a sticker bra lift. They sell the same thing in stores but these are bra stickers that are not only Water Proof.. but wait for it... you can wear them for 24 hours!!!
I don't know why you would want to have stickers on your boobs for that long but I guess there was a market. I'd definitely try them out because it's 20 for 10 dollars... and I'm always looking for a backless bra solution. But from what i saw it's basically gaffer's tape...
I'll look for them at Walgreens in their As Seen On TV section and get back to you guys...
I don't know why you would want to have stickers on your boobs for that long but I guess there was a market. I'd definitely try them out because it's 20 for 10 dollars... and I'm always looking for a backless bra solution. But from what i saw it's basically gaffer's tape...
I'll look for them at Walgreens in their As Seen On TV section and get back to you guys...
Farmer in the city
I think living in Los Angeles has made me more into a farmer than living in New York City. I've been researching goats for future goats milk beauty products. And I would love love love to have a bee hive. It is pretty expensive to start up a bee hive because you need to buy a bee hive and all the bee keeping supplies.. but it's a total of about 500 dollars without shipping.
but that's unlimited fresh organic honey and bees wax... but it'll be an investment i'll have to keep this in mind for the future.
And I know for sure my parents or my neighbors wouldn't want a bee hive in their backyard... super sad. Maybe if I bribe them with honey they'd be okay with it.
But how amazing would it be to have fresh honey, homemade candles, lip balm, creams, and soaps? ahhhhh
Los Angeles what have you done to this city girl?
Also there was an informative article in the nytimes about beekeeping you should check it out :)
Red Velvet Cuppy Cakes & Lunch
Last night I made some organic red velvet cupcakes for my ex-Boss Ms. A and forgot to buy some red food coloring. So decided to make them au natural... and they turned out looking like bran muffins. Thank God for delicious cream cheese frosting.
Here's the recipe: epicurious red velvet
and i've added 1/2 a cup of sour cream and 1/2 a stick of butter to make a thicker more pound cake like consistency, but i left the cupcakes in the oven a little longer than I meant to, so they weren't as moist as I wanted them to be.
In the end, everyone at the office and apartment enjoyed them... I'm not sure if they were being polite... and if they were Thank you (^.^)!!
Also made Organic yogurt soap... twas a bit more complicated than our previous olive oil castile soap...
I guess practice makes perfect... so i'll have a house full of soapy soaps and be super clean!
Here's the recipe: epicurious red velvet
and i've added 1/2 a cup of sour cream and 1/2 a stick of butter to make a thicker more pound cake like consistency, but i left the cupcakes in the oven a little longer than I meant to, so they weren't as moist as I wanted them to be.
In the end, everyone at the office and apartment enjoyed them... I'm not sure if they were being polite... and if they were Thank you (^.^)!!
Also made Organic yogurt soap... twas a bit more complicated than our previous olive oil castile soap...
I guess practice makes perfect... so i'll have a house full of soapy soaps and be super clean!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
To Buy a goat? Or not to buy a goat
I have a friend who owns a farm on the outskirts of Los Angeles and said if I bought a goat she'd raise it for me. So guess who's buying a goat when I get back to LA????
I get an unlimited supply of goat's milk to make soap, yogurt, or just plain ol' milk
and a new play friend. I even have a name for my goat.. but that's a secret.
Any suggestions for which breed of goaty goat i should get?
The era of the soap.
Hey Guys! Welcome to the Finley Gold Blog.
I'm visiting my sisters in NYC for spring break and decided to make a different kind of soap each day I'm here... So i'll be posting pictures real soon.
Yesterday we made a basic variation of Castile soap. We've never made soap before so we thought that if we made a basic soap with the least amount of toxic fumes and least complicated it'd be a success!!!
We did tons of research online and about.com seemed to have the best videos explaining the soap making process. But my sister also bought these amazing books on soap making by Anne L. Watson
While scavenging the city for supplies lye, organic olive oil, organic coconut oil, distilled water, and vinegar... lye is not sold in stores (or the ones we called in the city) so we had to buy it online. But everything else we got at the local grocery store.
Warning! Lye can be extremely dangerous if handled improperly... so Anne says don't make soap when you're drunk or angry. and check out this website: handling lye for more information.
So we made the Castile soap last night, one's cold processed and the other is CPOP Cold Process Oven Process. The difference is the curing time (or how long it takes for the soap to become soap and all ). With the simple Cold Process it takes 3-4 weeks to cure where as the cold process oven process you leave the soap in the oven for 2 hours at 170 degrees and leave it in the oven over night.
... off to more adventures in the city and then back to more soap making in the evening.
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